What there is online, at least within my degree course, is a lot of primary source information that previously one would have had to go to a library to read, assuming one could find it. As an example and as I have just posted on the GDR. following Mms post, an excerpt from a 1978 GDR article concerning the state of its economy.
Harry Nick, Head of Research Department at the Academy of Social Sciences (GDR),
extracts from an article in Wirtschaftswissenschaft, 1978
Certainly one of the most important aspects of continuing to improve the
entire economic mechanism in the GDR is further objectifying the criteria
used to judge scientific and technological progress. The result should be
preventing situations in which, on the one hand, the plan for science and
technology, the goals set for product quality, are fulfilled and overfulfilled,
while on the other hand the position of these same products deteriorates in
international markets[…]
If a more accurate analysis is made of the GDR’s lag behind advanced
capitalist countries as far as standards of technology and economy in a
number of areas are concerned, usually the following turns out to be true. In
the area of basic research there is no lag at all, or only a relatively slight
one. However, the closer we come to the actual stage of production, the
further our research lags behind. The greatest lag occurs during the phase
when technical solutions are to be directly applied to production, and it is
due not so much to the product parameters as to the technology employed.
The difference in effectiveness that occurs in production is greater than can
be determined by comparing the product parameters. The decisive causes
leading to these differences in effectiveness in comparison to advanced
capitalist countries lie in the areas of technology and organisation of
production […]
Continual and vigorous acceleration of scientific and technological progress,
purposefully increasing its economic and social efficacy, require that
significant steps be taken to further develop management, planning, and
economic stimulation of the socialist economy as a whole