Is there any genuine evidence that Odessa (Organisation der ehemalige SS- Angehörige) alleged to have assisted high ranking ex Waffen SS members to escape prosecution actually existed after the second war.
I have seen many documentaries ,read books and even saw the film "Odessa File"
Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal was convinced that Odessa was set up by Waffen SS officers in 1944, who realised the war was lost to facilitate escape to foreign countries after the war,
However it seems that there seems to be no absolute evidence that the Odessa organisation existed and even ranking German Waffen SS officers and lower ranks interrogated or interviewed after the war do mention that they have no knowledge of the Odessa organisation.
I am not asking or disputing arts theft .gold bullions disposed of by dropping boxes of gold jewels etc in Austrian lakes and other such stories like the Vatican assisting Nazi officers in escaping to South America.
All I would like to know is was there such an organisation called Odessa
Has anybody ever come across absolute evidence that there was such an organisation called Odessa?
Dirk Marinus