Dirk, the Dresden and Hamburg raids were awful - but I understand in some way why they happened. I suppose in war much depends on who started it. Of those who did so, in this case, I doubt that there would even have been trials had they reached victory.They had a very bad reputation for huge retribution. In this case, the victorious - the British part of the allies, anyway, were war-worn. Without thousands of slaves to man our factories, with resources low and after suffering years of bombing, u-boat blockade of food convoys, V1's and then V2 rockets launched on indiscriminate targets, whether right or wrong, dealing out a hammering happened. Many condemned Dowding for it here too.
I , a smal child, then, recall hearing the Hamburg bombers go over -it took a very long time in low roaring waves and my mother whispering a prayer for the women and children who would 'suffer that lot.' We were in our cellar with others who used it too, where we often slept and very familiar with enemy bombers coming over us . Making such decisions at that time must have been a very heavy load.