I read the link. I have some feeling of "déjà vu" when I read about Soviet archives made public for the first time and what one all find in it.
What if it in the time was a Stalin trick to influence Roosevelt and convince him of his good faith and what if German sources felt in the trap of Soviet influence, letting them believe that it really came from an own German spionage team.
In Germany you had the secret service of Canaris, who acted for instance with Oster, without knowledge of the Gestapo.
I read in Heinz Höhne: Canaris: Patriot im Zwielicht
https://www.amazon.de/Canaris-Patriot-Zwielicht-Heinz-H%C3%B6hne/dp/3570016080That there was search for peace from Canaris (without knowledge of the rest of the Nazis) via the Vatican and the English to the Americans, who stopped it because they thought about a trick from the Nazis...
Yes a "déjà vu"... I followed in the time of the BBC messageboard and took part in the discussion from a certain Suvorov about indeed the book: Icebreaker from Victor Suvorov.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_offensive_plans_controversyAnd I could argue what I wanted, the contributor stood always with the book of Suvorov, while criticizing Godoretsky and Glanz.
I came again lately in contact with the Israeli Gorodetsky when I debated here and on Historum the role of Britain and France in the German-Soviet-Nonaggression pact.
https://www.britannica.com/event/German-Soviet-Nonaggression-Pacthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_GorodetskyI used among others The Maiski Diaries from him to emphasize especially the role of Britain and had also the luck to find a thesis which explained meticulously the British way to that pact.
https://www.amazon.com/Maisky-Diaries-Ambassador-Jamess-1932-1943/dp/0300180675I suppose that there Godoretsky can't misinform, while these diaries were written honestly for Maisky himself and only for himself, while he knew that if they came public he was dead. I suppose Maisky would not cheat his own person? Or could it be possible that he already wrote it, for the time after Stalin. And put already deviations from reality with a certain goal?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_MaiskyIt can also be that Gorodetsky only used the "extraits" which fitted with his thesis?