Sparked by the recent news that the German comic will be prosecuted for offence to a foreign head of state in casu here Erdogan from Turkey, I did some research about the nowadays lèse-majesté and its roots in history: but in the case of Germany it don't exist, but according to a law of 1871 offending a foreign head of state is a criminal act...
I was aware that in Thailand and in Morrocco there still exist the offence of lèse-majesté...
But now I saw on the news that it also still exist in The Netherlands... now I see that it seemingly still exists in Belgium too, and it is not described in the Wiki.."Deux élus N-VA à la Chambre, Kristien Van Vaerenbergh en Theo Francken, ont introduit une proposition de loi afin d'abolir la loi du 6 avril 1847 sur le crime de lèse-majesté, a indiqué dimanche Mme Van Vaerenbergh à l'Agence Belga. [...] Kristien Van Vaerenbergh, qui préside la commission justice, s'étonne que cette loi existe encore alors qu'une loi similaire à propos de l'offense à des chefs d'Etat étrangers a été supprimée en 2005."
(to abolish the law of 6 april 1847 on the crime of lese-majeste....this law still exists while since 2005 the law on offence against a foreign head of state is abolished)
And Belgium was one of the leading liberal countries in the world in the 19th century and a broad press freedom...even such stuff could be published... it seems that in the United Kingdom even more was possible...?
Kind regards, Paul.